
Thursday, January 1, 2015

vTap launches new responsive, HTML5 website


This is the proverbial 'proof-of-the-pudding'...
You're looking at it: our new, responsive, HTML5 website! While it will always be a 'work in progress', first-hand, hands-on experience is the way we tend to learn best.

We are just beginning to master the WYSIWYG editor called BlueGriffon editor and have very much enjoyed browsing the broad selection of templates at TEMPLATED. So, after reading several books on the semantic web, watching loads of videos about the 'Internet of Everything', and struggling through a few tutorials from W3C, here we are!

Big Dreams? Big Data! - a creative disturbance channel

We decided to co-host the Big Dreams? Big Data! channel at Creative Disturbance because "artists, scientists and technologists working on big ideas, need to be able to work with massive digital data sets (from pixels to waves to real-time streams), without compromising their projects due to limited network capabilities. Data artists are experimenting more and more with ways to make huge amounts of data comprehensible and accessible to a very broad range of people. Corporations are hiring independent artists to approach novel problems concerning data and to engage with that data in ways that haven’t been done before. This channel will encourage ‘early adopters’ to extend human networks to push the edge of the latest technological breakthroughs even further."

Enjoy the podcasts at

Review the transcripts, as they become available, by searching for the session titles in this blogsite!
    Why Big Dreamers Need to Know About Big Data, an overview of our perspective(s)
    Using Big Data to make Big - and Little - Decisions, with Ellen Wagner of The PAR Framework
    (Re)solving Big Problems-One Petabyte at a Time!, with Rob Foos of The TerraMar PRoject