Our congratulations to the Creative Disturbance team on reaching their $20000 KickStarter goal on 08 Dec 2014!
As John Muir put it so simply: "When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the Universe". That's just one of many good reasons we decided to co-host the Big Dreams? Big Data! channel at Creative Disturbance, "an international, multi-lingual, online platform that provides a unique virtual environment for the intellectually curious across the globe to meet, network, collaborate, create, and socialize".
We particularly liked their proactive attitude toward developing new communities of thinkers that will likely create "unlikely connections". We will be adding focused podcasts to encourage ‘early adopters’ to extend human networks to push the edge of the latest technological breakthroughs even further, so stay tuned! Keep up with the series at http://creativedisturbance.org/channel/big-dreams-big-data/