Excerpts from our 'thanks-giving' note to their Board of Directors: "Attending the Appreciation Dinner on October 25 was well worth our time and effort to get there [Abiquiu, NM] and your good work to make it such a very special event. Thank you for giving back in a most memorable and meaningful way. We enjoyed meeting some of your students, their parents, many of the amazing volunteers, and others who share your passion for 'opening the door to a world of possibility'. Your energy and enthusiasm extends beyond northern New Mexico! ...
We formed vTapestry with the vision of supporting educational professionals in meeting the diverse challenges presented by a global community, so we fully support your new direction as a Center for Educational Enhancement. ... Congratulations on these current successes, the solid foundation you have established in the region, and the creative ways you plan to make an even greater difference in the future. ...
As reflected in your logo, the possibilities are endless indeed when talented teams work together and lifelong learners are encouraged to pursue new ideas. We appreciate your sharing the lessons learned to date and very much look forward to finding out about your next steps as they will surely continue to inspire many others." Check out La Puerta's continual progress at http://lapuertanm.org/